Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New times for English classes!

English classes are changing to Monday and Thursday at 2:30 with an occasional Friday morning if we need it.  Marlena has trouble juggling baby feeding and care in the mornings; if we go to afternoon, Jimy will be home to entertain Alexis while we work. 
Marlys will continue to take care of trips to the Food Bank - she will take Marlena April 2.

Thank you all!

P.S. Remember to let me or Kathy know about events so we can put them on the calendar.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March Updates!

Alexis is now "sitting pretty" in his new high chair (thanks to Neal)         

Marlena and Esperanza are progressing well with their English skills.  

Marlys and Clara are are still working with them on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.       

Marlys is taking Marlena to the Food Bank - the next date is April 2.     

Clara accompanied Esperanza and Ruby to conferences at Hoover Middle School.  

Ruby is doing a great job at school and earning high marks.  She also accompanied Jimy and Armando to West High and got the same good news about Armando's marks.  He recently prepared and delivered a presentation on the state of Wisconsin.     

Holly Hudson has joined our volunteer group.  She works for the Courier and writes a weekly column.  She is investigating cultivating a community plot and sharing with the Gomez family.  The landlord has given permission to plant a small garden at the house which will be easier to tend if Esperanza is working.     

Kelly Hudson is donating a bicycle for Armando, and I might have a source for a girls bike for Ruby.  =)     

Kathy is being kind enough to help me get some skills on the computer and, of course, taking care of the website and the calendar.     

Jimy is getting a drivers license, and Emily has done a great job with the health insurance. so the family can rest easy on that issue.    

 I know I haven't mentioned everyone and everything, but I will be adding more soon. 


Welcome to our new coordinator

I have recently taken over the position of volunteer coordinator for the Gomez family.  I am also a retired teacher and am working with members of the family to facilitate their English learning and translating when necessary. I am amazed by the wonderful work everyone has done and continues to do.  Thanks to Heather Flory who was the original coordinator; her leadership is much appreciated. Clara Hudson     (littlehud@cfu.net).